Some of the best automation ideas I’ve seen are from all of you!
My series Automations from Around the World features your home automation ideas, and it’s awesome to see how creative you are. You can see some of my past videos in the series here.
Want me to feature YOUR idea in a future video?
Here’s how:
1. Take a horizontal video showing the automation in action and explaining it. Videos that are well-lit and not extremely shaky are more likely to be used.

2. Upload the video to Google Drive, YouTube, or another platform. Make sure we can view and download it from the link you send.
3. In an email, send us a link to the video. You can also write down more info about how you set up the automation, what tech you’re using, your name for a shoutout, etc.
4. Send to: smarthomesolver -at- gmail dot com. This email is only for submitting your automation ideas and setups. All other emails will not receive a response.
Thank you so much for all of your submissions! This series is impossible without all of you and I really appreciate it. You can see where previous ideas that I’ve used in the videos came from in this map.